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  • Religulous

    Religulous (IPA: /rɨˈlɪdʒʊləs/) is a 2008 American comedy/documentary film written by and starring political comedian Bill Maher and directed by Larry Charles. According to Maher, the title of the film is a portmanteau derived from the words "religion" and "ridiculous"; the documentary examines and satirizes organized religion and religious belief.[3]

    jaja... que contradictorio no?

    Anyway, anoche vi este documental con Bill Maher.. one of my favorites. I have to say. Worth every freakin minute.

    Creo que ya habiamos hablado sobre este documental, pero no encontre el tema, el chiste es que habla sobre la religion y quien mejor que Bill Maher para un documental acerca de la religion... jaja!

    aqui les dejo las new rules tambien.

    New Rule: You can't bum-rush the president for autographs after he just lectured you for an hour about how you have to grow up. Have some dignity, for Christ's sake. He's your co-worker, not Hannah Montana. If you're this crazy about him now, what are you going to do when he turns the country around? Ask him to sign your tit?

    New Rule: One more victory lap, and then you really have to get back to the cockpit. Captain Sullenberger has received standing ovations at the Super Bowl, on talk shows and in Congress. Which is a lot of praise for a guy who went up against a flock of geese and lost. This is not our best crowd. You're right, P.J. Look, I'm all for landing planes on rivers when they're about to go down, but enough. He landed on water. He didn't walk on it. And the next time you want to claim there were no casualties, ask these guys.

    New Rule: Bacon, eggs and cheese between two waffles isn't a breakfast, it's a suicide attempt. This is Dunkin' Donuts new "waffle sandwich." You can wait in line for yours, or if you're in a hurry, just snatch the pistol from the cop sitting at the counter and shoot yourself in the head.

    New Rule: We don't need a Broadway musical about Spider-Man. He lives with his aunt, wears a body stocking and leads a secret double life. He's gay enough already.

    New Rule: To save time, trees and paint, let's change it so we just put up signs in front of the houses that aren't for sale. And while we're at it, I don't need to see the real estate lady's head shot on the sign. I'm looking for bargains, not casting a MILF porno.

    And finally, New Rule: If your phone can fart, you're part of the problem. It was reported this week that one item that's doing well in our bad economy is downloadable, simulated fart noises for your iPhone. So much so that the makers of "Pull My Finger" iPhone application have threatened to sue their competitor, the iFart (wish I were kidding).

    You know, there's a line in "Lawrence of Arabia," where Lawrence tells the Bedouin leader that his people, the Arabs, are in danger of always being seen as "a little people, a silly people." Which brings me to the Snuggie.

    This is the Snuggie. It's a blanket with sleeves. Oh, let's call it what it really is: a full-length bib. And we, the Americans now, are in danger of becoming "a silly people." A people who couldn't control their greed or self-indulgence. Which is why every man, woman and child in America now owes China $6,000. Imagine owing that to a bookie? On the other hand, this is so cozy.

    And, look, my arms are free! So the Chinese can break them.

    Believe me, if the Chinese get a look at us in our Snuggies, and they will make the f@#in' things, I'm sure. They're going to decide, "We can't buy any more treasury bills from these people; they're wearing blankets with sleeves!" "Of course they're not going to pay us back!"

    This is 'snuggie.' Now, in his speech before Congress on Tuesday, the president pointed out that we're addicted to oil, can't afford health care, our education system is broken, our economy is near collapse, and the day of reckoning has arrived. But, many members of Congress didn't hear all that, because during the speech, they were "Twittering." Which is when you type out little messages on your hand-held device to tell everyone what you're doing right now! Like, "I'm displaying the very self-absorption that will destroy us all!"

    What must Obama have thought as he looked upon this? Hey, "Senator Gossip Girl," I'm up here. You know, Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but at least he knew how to play an instrument. Folks, this is not a drill. This is the real thing. Our "booze cruise" has hit the iceberg. And I don't want it to sink. We all need to get involved and learn how to do things and make things again. This is the moment where we must steel our resolve, reach through our blanket screens, grab our farting phone and send off a mighty Twitter saying, "Yes, we can!!"
    Si ya sabes cómo soy, pa’que me dejas sola?!

  • #2
    Ojala sigan las reglas pero esta por piedad de inmediato!

    You can't bum-rush the president for autographs after he just lectured you for an hour about how you have to grow up. Have some dignity, for Christ's sake. He's your co-worker, not Hannah Montana. If you're this crazy about him now, what are you going to do when he turns the country around? Ask him to sign your tit?

    Que molesto estar viendo ese circo el dia anterior, la verdad Obama hablara bien pero el circo que le hacen es molestisimo.. caray.
    hffehkhhjfsd sigpic Vive tu vida de tal manera que cuando tus pies toquen el suelo en la mañana, el diablo se estremezca y diga.... "En la madre!.... ya se levantó!!"


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sabrina View Post
      Ojala sigan las reglas pero esta por piedad de inmediato!

      You can't bum-rush the president for autographs after he just lectured you for an hour about how you have to grow up. Have some dignity, for Christ's sake. He's your co-worker, not Hannah Montana. If you're this crazy about him now, what are you going to do when he turns the country around? Ask him to sign your tit?

      Que molesto estar viendo ese circo el dia anterior, la verdad Obama hablara bien pero el circo que le hacen es molestisimo.. caray.
      te lo traduzco BW

      Si sospechas que traigo aqui......
      Serà todo para ti.....
      Fruta no es.......
      Dulce no es....
      Nieve tampo eeeees.....
      Si sospechas lo que serà .....
      Te pertenecesa...peinsa despacito para disfrutar......
      abre la un paquete......


      • #4
        Originally posted by :spensive: View Post
        Religulous (IPA: /rɨˈlɪdʒʊləs/) is a 2008 American comedy/documentary film written by and starring political comedian Bill Maher and directed by Larry Charles. According to Maher, the title of the film is a portmanteau derived from the words "religion" and "ridiculous"; the documentary examines and satirizes organized religion and religious belief.[3]

        jaja... que contradictorio no?

        Anyway, anoche vi este documental con Bill Maher.. one of my favorites. I have to say. Worth every freakin minute.

        Creo que ya habiamos hablado sobre este documental, pero no encontre el tema, el chiste es que habla sobre la religion y quien mejor que Bill Maher para un documental acerca de la religion... jaja!

        aqui les dejo las new rules tambien.

        Ya esta en DVD?? De ser el caso, hoy mismo lo compro!


        • #5
          New Rule: You can't bum-rush the president for autographs after he just lectured you for an hour about how you have to grow up. Have some dignity, for Christ's sake. He's your co-worker, not Hannah Montana. If you're this crazy about him now, what are you going to do when he turns the country around? Ask him to sign your tit?

          New Rule: We don't need a Broadway musical about Spider-Man. He lives with his aunt, wears a body stocking and leads a secret double life. He's gay enough already.

          Teh awesome.

          You know, there's a line in "Lawrence of Arabia," where Lawrence tells the Bedouin leader that his people, the Arabs, are in danger of always being seen as "a little people, a silly people." Which brings me to the Snuggie.

          This is the Snuggie. It's a blanket with sleeves. Oh, let's call it what it really is: a full-length bib. And we, the Americans now, are in danger of becoming "a silly people." A people who couldn't control their greed or self-indulgence. Which is why every man, woman and child in America now owes China $6,000. Imagine owing that to a bookie? On the other hand, this is so cozy.

          And, look, my arms are free! So the Chinese can break them.

          Believe me, if the Chinese get a look at us in our Snuggies, and they will make the f@#in' things, I'm sure. They're going to decide, "We can't buy any more treasury bills from these people; they're wearing blankets with sleeves!" "Of course they're not going to pay us back!"
          I swear, cuando vi el infomercial para esa jodida cobija-bata, crei que era una broma. Seriously? No, SEROUSLY?? Gente, abran el jodido closet y echen un vistazo!! Chances son de que tienen por ahi una bata ya ..y chingos de cobijas.

          A quien se le ocurren estos productos?? No, no no, wait...QUIEN CARAJOS LOS COMPRA??

          What must Obama have thought as he looked upon this? Hey, "Senator Gossip Girl," I'm up here. You know, Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but at least he knew how to play an instrument. Folks, this is not a drill. This is the real thing. Our "booze cruise" has hit the iceberg. And I don't want it to sink. We all need to get involved and learn how to do things and make things again.
          ..God. We're flushing ourselves down the toilet .

