Hola a todos...
El día de hoy les invito a hacer un nuevo experimento...
Se trata de un experimento de visi?n remota, la visi?n remota es la capacidad de ver objetos con nuestra menta a trav?s del tiempo y el espacio, aún si est?n escondidos... Y TODOS pueden hacerlo
Entonces, he elegido 3 im?genes, ustedes si desean participar deber?n seguir las instrucciones y adivinar de qu? im?genes se trata...
Las instrucciones est?n en ingl?s, Arch o alguien si tienen el tiempo traduzcan para que participen los que no leen ingl?s..
PD. Les pongo los targets en otro reply
Here is an outline of "How To Remote View" that can be used to successfully view any of the ‘targets’ we post here. And remember there is no success or failure in this because EVEN THE SMALLEST EFFORT PROGRESSES YOU. And consistent practice progresses you even more...
Read this outline all the way through before you begin:
1. Find a quiet moment to do this.
2. Have some paper and a pen or pencil handy. Colored pencils or crayons are useful too.
3. Now close your eyes. It’s time to get in the 'zone' : to disconnect from your analytical mind and your familiar surroundings. Relax. Breathe deeply. Relax. Stay present. Be now. Nothing else matters for these few moments - ignore any unwanted 'brain chatter'. I have found from personal experience, that the more you practice accessing this 'zone' or 'analogical mind' the easier it is to do.
4. Put all of your attention & focus on the target of your choice. The ‘target’ is indicated by its ID number. So, you would focus on "B" or "animal" for example. Each exercise will have it’s own directions.
5. Now, close your eyes again. Stay relaxed. It may help to see a blank screen in your mind. Now, see the target's name (example: "A" or "scene") on that screen in your mind. Think of it like watching television...you're not trying to make something happen - you are letting it 'show itself' to you. So, there's no stress...no thinking...just see it there...hold it gently...soon you’ll get 'flashes' of things – shapes, colors, objects...Just let the image(s) of the ‘target’ come to you like watching television.
6. Then, record your FIRST IMPRESSIONS (usually visual) on the paper...a sketch, colors, textures, smells, descriptive words...whatever comes to you...RECORD IT WITHOUT ANALYSIS or JUDGEMENT...whatever you saw on the 'screen' in your mind.
“Disbelief is a self-fulfilling prophecy...It is the axiom of mental training that you get what you expect.”
~John Alexander, author: 'The Warrior’s Edge'
"Those who think they can, and those who think they can't, are both right."
~Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company
El día de hoy les invito a hacer un nuevo experimento...
Se trata de un experimento de visi?n remota, la visi?n remota es la capacidad de ver objetos con nuestra menta a trav?s del tiempo y el espacio, aún si est?n escondidos... Y TODOS pueden hacerlo
Entonces, he elegido 3 im?genes, ustedes si desean participar deber?n seguir las instrucciones y adivinar de qu? im?genes se trata...
Las instrucciones est?n en ingl?s, Arch o alguien si tienen el tiempo traduzcan para que participen los que no leen ingl?s..
PD. Les pongo los targets en otro reply
Here is an outline of "How To Remote View" that can be used to successfully view any of the ‘targets’ we post here. And remember there is no success or failure in this because EVEN THE SMALLEST EFFORT PROGRESSES YOU. And consistent practice progresses you even more...
Read this outline all the way through before you begin:
1. Find a quiet moment to do this.
2. Have some paper and a pen or pencil handy. Colored pencils or crayons are useful too.
3. Now close your eyes. It’s time to get in the 'zone' : to disconnect from your analytical mind and your familiar surroundings. Relax. Breathe deeply. Relax. Stay present. Be now. Nothing else matters for these few moments - ignore any unwanted 'brain chatter'. I have found from personal experience, that the more you practice accessing this 'zone' or 'analogical mind' the easier it is to do.
4. Put all of your attention & focus on the target of your choice. The ‘target’ is indicated by its ID number. So, you would focus on "B" or "animal" for example. Each exercise will have it’s own directions.
5. Now, close your eyes again. Stay relaxed. It may help to see a blank screen in your mind. Now, see the target's name (example: "A" or "scene") on that screen in your mind. Think of it like watching television...you're not trying to make something happen - you are letting it 'show itself' to you. So, there's no stress...no thinking...just see it there...hold it gently...soon you’ll get 'flashes' of things – shapes, colors, objects...Just let the image(s) of the ‘target’ come to you like watching television.
6. Then, record your FIRST IMPRESSIONS (usually visual) on the paper...a sketch, colors, textures, smells, descriptive words...whatever comes to you...RECORD IT WITHOUT ANALYSIS or JUDGEMENT...whatever you saw on the 'screen' in your mind.
“Disbelief is a self-fulfilling prophecy...It is the axiom of mental training that you get what you expect.”
~John Alexander, author: 'The Warrior’s Edge'
"Those who think they can, and those who think they can't, are both right."
~Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company