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How Moral Are You? Personality Test

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  • #16
    Seeeeehhh!! Me quedo con tu versi?n, jaja


    • #17
      Originally posted by Archangel View Post
      Bueno, es obvio que este test es bastante subjetivo, pero ahí ya est?s asumiendo, porque en ningún momento te dicen las circunstancias por las que est?n en el bote en primer lugar.

      pues haber ke dicen las respuestas, serio ke no las he visto ya hasta cerre la pagina y se me olvido la dire, hay luego la reskato del historial para ver los resultados


      • #18
        Originally posted by Cudik_ View Post
        ok entendi que tenia q hacer para ver que tipo de actitud moral sexual y dio weba leer la historia...alguien la pasa a espa?ol?

        sino ma?ana la leo hoy muero de sue?o
        lo que pasa es que no sabes ingles burro, no trates de disculparte con que te dio hueva

        haber cudickito te voy a dar un ejemplo a ver si asi captas ok??

        Resulta que tu y BH se aman con locura y pasion y para celebrarlo deciden irse a una isla desierta e invitan a THE AMBER para que les haga trio. Ya en la isla y despues de hacer mucho relajo (por no decir otra cosa)resulta que BH cae enfermo de sifilis y esta en peligro de muerte. Tu estas muy preocupado porque no sabes que hacer para salvarlo y en una de esas caminando por la isla te encuentras a un lanchero (si, CONSPIRE) que te dice que en la isla de a lado hay una hierba que puede curar a tu amado, pero que para llevarte en su lancha debes pagarle. Obvio tu ya no tienes dinero porque te lo gastaste todo en condones y vaselina, y es entonces que el lanchero te propone llevarte gratis a la isla siempre y cuando pases una noche hot con el. Tu te sacas de onda pero con tal de que tu amado BH se salve aceptas la proposicion del lanchero y a la maniana siguiente partes hacia la otra isla y recoges la hierba milagrosa.

        De regreso en la isla donde se encuentra moribundo BH, llegas y le das la hierba, por lo que milagrosamente se le quita el chancro enorme que tenia en el pene y queda completamente sanado. Al dia siguiente decides contarle la verdad y tu amado BH se enfurece porque no puede concebir que tu culito haya sido de otro, por lo que te dice que no te quiere volver a ver jamas en su vida!!!! Tu lloras desconsolado y corres hacia THE AMBER, quien te confiesa que siempre te ha amado y que a el no le importa que hayas tenido sexo con el lanchero y es entonces que te promete amor eterno y devocion por lo que decides aceptar su propuesta de fugarte con el.

        Ahora si cudickito, ordena por su grado de moralidad a estos personajes (incluyendote)y nos dejas la respuesta aqui ok?
        Last edited by gigolo_papasote; 09-25-2008, 03:24 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Archangel View Post

          Little John
          Maid Marion
          The Sherrif of Nottingham
          Robin Hood

          I agree. Esa es mi lista tambien
          hffehkhhjfsd sigpic Vive tu vida de tal manera que cuando tus pies toquen el suelo en la mañana, el diablo se estremezca y diga.... "En la madre!.... ya se levantó!!"


          • #20
            pequenio Juan
            El comisario
            El pinche Robin
            Yo era capaz de subir al cielo, para bajarle un monton de estrellas....


            • #21
              Little John
              Robin Hood
              Maid Marion
              The Sherrif of Nottingham

              Little John como dijeron por ahí, defendi? a marion y le prometi? respeto y amor..
              Robin hood piensa que la lealtad y fidelidad es un valor que no puede cambiarse ni siquiera por la libertad del ser amado.
              Marion no actu? de mala fe, sino que quería liberar al hombre que amaba, costase lo que costase, sin embargo, no estuvo bien lo que hizo.
              El sheriff... por corrupto. Si en verdad quisiera cumplir con su deber, no habría liberado a robin hood por ningún chantaje o persuasi?n.
              Last edited by alexacrow; 09-25-2008, 11:05 AM. Reason: quitamos lo de ladron

              Dios... por que hay tanta gente idiota en este mundo?


              • #22
                Originally posted by alexacrow View Post
                Robin hood a pesar de que estaba en prisi?n por que es ladr?n, lo hace para dar dinero a los pobres, así que digamos que no es tan inmoral despu?s de todo y piensa que la lealtad y fidelidad es un valor que no puede cambiarse ni siquiera por la libertad del ser amado.

                Mmm..Las instrucciones dicen que se deben dejar de lado ideas preconcebidas de los personajes y s?lo tomarse en cuenta lo que dice de ellos la historia.


                • #23
                  ook... ok


                  de todas formas lo dejo igual

                  Dios... por que hay tanta gente idiota en este mundo?


                  • #24
                    De menos valores a mas valores:

                    Soy como tu, pero mejor, Y a pesar de ser perfecto, me mantengo humilde.

                    De 100 problemas que tienes 10 son por pendejo y 90 por metiche


                    • #25
                      peque?o juan

                      mmm...pero como q se me hace q la tipa con cualquiera se va...una cosa es q confiese y otra q le encante el...

                      el pinche identifique un poco..digo si la wey lo como q le pone con otro? asi sea a costa de lo que sea como q no sta bien...

                      el peque?o juan..pos que chido que le prometa esas cosas bonitas ala vieja etc..pero me sono mas a un wey oportunista

                      el comisario...un wey mamon que nadamas chingo por chingar..o que queria a marion...y uso de excusa el encarcelar a robin para pasar un momento con ella..
                      sino ps q cabron...porque ni capturo al "ladron" y obro lujuriosamente con la chava
                      Last edited by Cudik_; 09-25-2008, 03:19 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Cudik_ View Post
                        peque?o juan
                        Que dije que Cudik es little Juanito. Y la historia no ddice el porqeu fueron arrestados alomejor acusados injustamente como siempre pasa en Mexico.
                        Por orden de mejor a peor.
                        Marion (por lo menos lo hizo por un bien)
                        Little Juanito (cobarde lambiscon seguro por el arrestaron a Robin)
                        Sheriff (imaginate es un policia jurado y deja ir libres a presos).


                        • #27
                          nadie mas le entra al test?


                          • #28
                            nelll ya pon los resultados

                            Dios... por que hay tanta gente idiota en este mundo?


                            • #29
                              echale las respuestas
                              Yo era capaz de subir al cielo, para bajarle un monton de estrellas....


                              • #30
                                aki estan, todas las kombinaciones

                                ROBIN, MARION, SHERIFF, LITTLE JOHN:
                                You find it hard to accept the permissive attitudes of others, or to convince them of the validity of your own standards. You are not disposed to trust people and do not have a very happy life.
                                (Men) To you "love" involves sex and duty, rather than charity and forgiveness.
                                (Women) You blame men for much of the unhappiness in your life.

                                ROBIN, MARION, LITTLE JOHN, SHERIFF:
                                Your philosophy of life is a sad hotchpotch of the conventions of society, your own convictions and romanticism. You are not unkind, only staid and unimaginative.
                                (Men) You see a woman as weak but desirable.
                                (Women) Your resent the arrogance of men.

                                ROBIN, SHERIFF, MARION, LITTLE JOHN:
                                (Men) We think you are unhappy, although you probably will not admit it. As a ruthless authoritarian you are as moral as it suits you and no more. You do not apply the same rules to men as you do to women.
                                (Women) How worthless you seem to think women are.

                                ROBIN, LITTLE JOHN, MARION, SHERIFF:
                                You are a moralist with conventional ideas, which some people would call old-fashioned.
                                (Men) You probably consider yourself a fair-minded man in a world which falls badly below your standards. Your inhibitions and sense of guilt are in the way of your happiness.
                                (Women) Unlucky in love? Perhaps you hope for too much in a man. Be a realist, not a romantic.

                                ROBIN, LITTLE JOHN, SHERIFF, MARION:
                                You are conventional and puritanical.
                                (Men) You moralize and see women as a great conspiracy against man, with sex as their principal weapon. You are missing a great deal in life.
                                (Women) Your parents probably played a big part in the formation of such a guilt complex as yours. Your mind is in chains and it's time you did something to free it.

                                LITTLE JOHN, ROBIN, SHERIFF, MARION:
                                You are not easy to assess. Basically you are ruled by an inferiority complex and feelings of insecurity. How do you present yourself to the world? An idealist, a moralist, a conformist keeping up with Jones's?
                                (Men) Your conflicting views on sex and morality may lead to every sort sexual problem. You have always feared women, probably starting with your mother.
                                (Women) It is a shame you have not accepted the ideal of woman as the equal (and sometimes stronger) partner of man.

                                LITTLE JOHN, MARION, ROBIN, SHERIFF:
                                You are fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably contented. You value kindness greatly and try to live by your ideals. You do not conceal from yourself, or from others, you strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.
                                (Men) Perhaps you tend to idealize women and credit them with virtues they don't possess.
                                (Women) Your experiences of men have not all been happy, perhaps because you hope for a little too much?

                                LITTLE JOHN, MARION, SHERIFF, ROBIN:
                                You are the slightly romantic realist. You respect truth, and are broadminded and flexible. Whether you are a man or a woman you are probably a happy person. You like people and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.

                                LITTLE JOHN, SHERIFF, MARION, ROBIN:
                                You too, believe that morality is another word for common-sense and suitability, and not something which is universally valid or a religious truth. Your feeling for security is strong, and you would rate reliability as one of your virtues.
                                (Men) Your estimate of women as the inferior sex suggests that you are a little uncertain of them.
                                (Women) You are more permissive about the morals of others than you are about your own.

                                LITTLE JOHN, SHERIFF, ROBIN, MARION:
                                You are conventional, unimaginative, and something of a prude. It would be surprising if your love life was a roaring success.
                                (Man) You have an old-world authoritarian attitude. One thing is sure, you have some sorry illusions about women.
                                (Women) You accept a double standard of morality in which women are very much the "second sex".

                                SHERIFF, ROBIN, MARION, LITTLE JOHN:
                                (Man) We find it hard to imagine you leading a full, happy life. The warmth and give-and-take of love are not for you. Your sex life is ringed with unreality, and you neither understand nor appreciate women.
                                (Women) If you really believe this is the right order, you baffle us completely.

                                MARION, SHERIFF, LITTLE JOHN, ROBIN:
                                Such an emphatic rejection of ready-made values in probably partly camouflage. You hate to be thought weak or insecure. You value honesty, and abominate humbug and hypocrisy.
                                (Men) Women are very much part of you life, and you are - or perhaps would like to be - quite ruthless, both with women and life in general.
                                (Women) You are tolerant about men and their failings - but we mean men, for you have no time for boys on men's errands.

                                MARION, ROBIN, SHERIFF, LITTLE JOHN:
                                You know the so-called facts of life, but not to enjoy life itself. You are not a realist and you are inclined to be stubborn.
                                (Men) Women, you think, are either whores or angels, and you over-estimate the differences between the sexes. A woman may find you difficult to live with.
                                (Women) You are not sure whether truth and morality go hand in hand or are in opposition. You haven't a very high opinion of men.

                                MARION, ROBIN, LITTLE JOHN, SHERIFF:
                                If you are not happy - and we suspect you are not - it maybe because you feel guilty about your own emotions, and lack confidence in your opinions.
                                (Men) No doubt you consider yourself a moral man, and a fair one. Your fuzzy ideas about morality may make their mark on your sex life.
                                (Women) You are too concerned about what others think.

                                MARION, LITTLE JOHN, SHERIFF, ROBIN:
                                You are essentially a contented person, even if you consider yourself a little superior. You are moral by your own standards, for you believe that morality is what best suits the occasion.
                                (Men) You are sexually uninhibited, more romantic than you may appear, and more dependent on the approval of others than you care to admit.
                                (Women) You like being a woman, you understand what love is, and frankly enjoy sex.

                                MARION, LITTLE JOHN, ROBIN, SHERIFF:
                                We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.
                                (Men) Do we detect a sense of chivalry and idealism under the sophistication?
                                (Women) You will expect high standards form the men to whom you give your love.

                                LITTLE JOHN, ROBIN, MARION, SHERIFF:
                                You are a cautious type, neutral, and rather insecure. You would agree with the idea that everybody has his price - and in your own case it would not be high.
                                (Men) You are sexually inhibited with an underlying distrust of women.
                                (Women) At least one man has made you unhappy, and you are now on your guard.

                                SHERIFF, ROBIN, LITTLE JOHN, MARION:
                                Although you make a brave show of being self-sufficient, beneath this you are unhappy and rather mixed up.
                                (Men) You don't understand women - probably you are afraid of them. You do not know what love is, and you are more likely to boast about your conquests in a bar than prove them in a bedroom.
                                (Women) If men attract you at all, they probably be disastrously the wrong sort.

                                SHERIFF, MARION, ROBIN, LITTLE JOHN:
                                If you are not living a happy life the cause is within yourself. You are a rebel...with a trace of spoilt child about you. You value truth above morality, but you are reasonably tolerant of those who disagree with you.
                                (Men) any problems you have are not likely to be centered in sex.
                                (Women) Despite your experience and intelligence you are a bad judge of men.

                                SHERIFF, MARION, LITTLE JOHN, ROBIN:
                                You claim to be a realist or even a cynic, but you are more emotional and romantic and truthful.
                                (Men) although you are by no means inhibited, your amorous adventures are as much a matter of fantasy as fact.
                                (Women) You have been hurt in the past by men - or perhaps a particular man and will probably let it happen again.

                                SHERIFF, LITTLE JOHN, ROBIN, MARION:
                                Not a moralizing pattern, but...
                                (Men) You share with many other men the idea that most women are fickle and inferior to men. Perhaps a view that you got from your father? Or as a reaction to a domineering mother?
                                (Women) You have a pretty poor opinion of yourself, haven't you?

                                SHERIFF, LITTLE JOHN, MARION, ROBIN:
                                You have a confused, immature sense of values. You are erratic an stubborn, and inclined to get angry or sulk when you don't get your own way. At least you are not a moral hypocrite.
                                (Men) "Love 'em and leave 'em" is the motto of a man who is basically afraid of women.
                                (Women) Perhaps you would rather be a man than a women?

                                MARION, SHERIFF, ROBIN, LITTLE JOHN:
                                You associate morality with honest and truth more than with religious values. You are impulsive and somewhat unpredictable.
                                (Men) We suspect that you are a would-be lover rather than a very successful one.
                                (Women) You are a realist and a rebel, a defender of women's rights. You like men but despise weak ones.

